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Saaren Taika

The magic of the northern archipelago in health, beauty, and home
Saaren Taika directly financially supports foundations that work toward improving the health of the oceans and the Baltic Sea and is involved with local youth charities and projects.
Saaren Taika uses 100% renewable energy in their production, including solar power that gets outsourced to the local population.
Information is easily found and the brand commits to reporting a clear sustainable structure and intentions.
This brand uses over 95% natural ingredients in most products, with no animal origin.
- All products are at least 95% natural unless otherwise stated.
- Registered in Kemi-Digi (Finnish safety classification register).
- The ingredient INCI lists are available on the manufacturer's website.
- Animal-free and cruelty-free.
- Zero-waste cosmetics: no waste is generated from the raw materials. All the raw material is used down to the last crumb & no natural resources are consumed unnecessarily.
- Help to save energy and natural vitamins and nutrients in the raw materials by avoiding heating raw materials.
- Produced locally in Salo, Finland.
- Uses 100% wind-powered energy, additionally solar electricity 8 months a year.
- Biodegradability of the final product: no residues are left in the environment when the product is in use.
- Partner with Bower – gives customers reward points for recycling the packaging.
- Do not outsource to "cheap" warehouses – only one warehouse base in Perniö, Finland.
Promotes inclusivity by having gender- and age-diverse staff, reflected in three generations of men and women working at Saaren Taika.
Supports small businesses and specialty stores by not re-selling products to big supermarkets and chains.
Participates in fundraising for charities like Save the Children.
Funding a youth mental health and substance abuse development activity in Perniö, Finland.
Involved in cleaning up the Baltic Sea through the John Nurminen Foundation's Clean Baltic Sea project, which has led to a significant reduction in blue-green algae blooms.