Sustainability like never experienced before

Welcome to our vibrant valley where your life gets simpler and greener!

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(try for example recycled textiles or organic skincare!) 

Our Values, Your Peace of Mind:

More Thought, Less Hassle

Choosing sustainably should feel less like walking through a jungle with trees that look green but crumble upon touch, and more like floating in a still, quiet, clean lake. At Ekotera, we advocate buying less and slower, but without the information overload. We’re the antidote to mindless consumption, guiding you toward better choices. Without the bullshit.

Ethical & Sustainable

Here, you will discover only the finest brands that align with our vision of a more compassionate, environmentally friendly, and sustainable planet. We handpick each brand carefully, so you can invest in your beliefs without hesitation. Let’s inspire change together.

Nordic Innovation

All our featured brands are designed and based in the Nordics. By choosing through us, you’re not only experiencing top-quality, ethical products but also supporting a community of talented and boundary-pushing designers. Discover Nordic innovation at its finest and kindest.


We make it simpler than ever to put your money into what you believe in.


Better choices with ethically and sustainably-minded brands.


We choose brands that inspire us, with no room for greenwashing.


Close to home and close to heart.

Clean & Green.
For the convenience of you and the planet.


We are a growing project, and your opinion is vital.

Let us know what you would like to see more or less of on our site.
We will be forever grateful.

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